Back Injury Compensation: Sunderland Claims Solicitors

Our personal injury solicitors are specialists in helping people in Sunderland in claiming for back injury compensation. If you or a family member have been affected then by calling our dedicated 24 hours a day helpline you can get immediate and confidential guidance from a back injury claims expert.

How to Make a Back Injury Claim in Sunderland

Back Injury Compensation Claims Sunderland
Don’t suffer – call us today

Getting started is made easy with our process. You just need to call our hotline number and you will be put through to an accident claims specialist. You will be asked some simple questions about the accident and your circumstances. We will be able to quickly give you an indication on whether or not you are able to claim for back injury compensation in the Sunderland area.

This call is no obligation and is confidential. You do not have to use our services. If you decide you do wish to proceed, then we will arrange an appointment with one of our back injury solicitors who are personal injury solicitors specialising in these types of claims.

If you then decide after your meeting that you wish to use us, then we will proceed with your case on a no win no fee* agreement.

Back Injury Claims Sunderland: Scenarios

Accidents can happen at any time and in any place. The back is particularly vulnerable to injury, and the ramifications can be long-lasting. You might need to take time off work, or suffer from long-term disability, or in more fortunate cases may just need to recover in a short period of time. No matter what the circumstances, our solicitors and lawyers are perfectly placed and qualified to help you today. The types of back injury claims we have helped clients with include:

How Much Back Injury Compensation Will You Receive?

Back injuries come in all different forms, with varied degrees of seriousness. Because of this it’s not possible to give you an exact amount on how much you could receive. However, our Sunderland back injury claims solicitors have put together some rough guidelines which should help you to get a better understanding of what we might be able to do for you.

You can see those compensation amount payouts below which should examples from the last couple of years that have been paid out in the UK, and would also apply to the Sunderland area.

Severe Back Injuries

  • Serious injuries to the back, which do not involve paralysis – £66,000 to £111,000
  • Orthopaedic injury to the back including scarring – Around £53,000
  • Disc fractures and continued pain and discomfort – £25,500 to £45,750

Moderate Back Injuries

  • Can include crush fractures and degeneration – £18,250 to £25,500
  • Ligaments and muscle damage including prolapsed discs – £8,000 to £17,750

Minor Back Injuries

  • Includes strains, sprains, and soft tissue injury – £5,150 to £8,250

Why Choose Our Back Injury Claims Solicitors?

With over a decade of experience in helping people around the UK receive the justice that they deserve and access to the legal system, our lawyers are specialists in helping people recover with the aid of personal injury compensation.

The Sunderland Personal Injury team is dedicated to helping people in the local area, and because we work on a no win no fee* basis, and offer free consultations, it means a risk free and financially sound approach for you getting back injury compensation in Sunderland.

Get Started Now By Calling Our Hotline

With just one phone call into our team you can get started today and begin to get your life back on track with the peace of mind in knowing you are financially and medically taken care of.

Call now on 01916 222 197^ to discuss a back injury claim for compensation with our solicitors and see how we can help you.

Start Your Personal Injury Claim Today

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